Moment maps

Let GG be a Lie group, a moment map of a symplectic GG-action on a symplectic manifold (M,ω)(M, \omega) is a smooth map μ:Mg\mu: M \to \mathfrak{g}^* with the following properties:

  1. dμ(x)v,ξ=ωx(v,ξM(x))\langle d\mu(x)v, \xi \rangle = \omega_x(v, \xi_M(x)), for all xMx \in M, vTxMv \in T_xM and ξg\xi \in \mathfrak{g}, where ξM\xi_M is the infinitesimal action. Sometimes this property is written as,

    dμξ=iξMω.d\mu^\xi = -i_{\xi_M}\omega.

  2. μ\mu is equivariant with respect to the coadjoint action on g\mathfrak{g}^*:

    μ(gx)=gμ(x)=Adg1μ(x).\mu(gx) = g\cdot \mu(x) = Ad^*_{g^{-1}}\mu(x).

A symplectic Lie group action on a symplectic manifold is called a Hamiltonian group action if a moment map µ exists. (M,ω,G,μ)(M,\omega, G, \mu) is called a Hamiltonian GG-space.

Holomorphic and Hamiltonian group actions on the sphere

Let ρ:U(1)×C^C^\rho: U(1) \times \widehat{\mathbb{C}} \to \widehat{\mathbb{C}}, (g,z)g.z(g,z) \mapsto g.z be a group action of the abelian group of unit complex numbers, U(1)U(1), on the Riemann sphere. If ρ\rho is holomorphic, for each gU(1)g \in U(1), the map g^=ρ(g,)\hat{g} = \rho(g, \cdot) is a Möbius transformation, i.e., g^PSL(2,C)\hat{g} \in \mathrm{PSL}(2,\mathbb{C}). Whence, if g1g \neq 1, g^\hat{g} has either one or two fixed points.