Sol Manifolds
SOL is one of the eight Thurston's geometries of three dimensional manifolds. Topologically it is R3 with the metric
It also is a solvable Lie group, such that the exponential map sol→SOL is a diffeomorphism and the metric above described is left invariant with respect to the group operation
Volume entropy
We aim to compute the volume entropy of the group, defined as
where B(0,r) is the geodesic ball centred at the origin of radius r. For the compuation, we follow Schwartz and notice the projection ηX:SOL→R2, (x,y,z)↦(0,y,z) decreases areas and sends the geodesic sphere Sr=∂B(0,r) onto the hyperbolic disk D(0,r)={(y,z)∈R2∣d(0,(0,y,z))<r}.
The area of the hyperbolic disk is 4πsinh(r/2)2 and the projection is two-to-one, whence
On the other hand,
and the volume of the geodesic ball is
we conclude,
From this inequality, is follows that 1≤δSOL.
An upper bound for the entropy
The upper bound for the volume entropy is a work of Schwartz and Kopczynski, their argument is remarkably simple, it comes from the observation that every point (x,y,z)∈Sr satisfies the
then they estimate the upper bound 72r2er for Vol(B(0,r)), by this upper bound, together with the lower bound of the previous section, they conclude that the volume entropy of SOL is 1.