General properties of groups of isometries in metric spaces
Let be a group of isometries in a metric space , we say that the action of is proper if the action map
is a proper map (i.e. the preimage of any compact set is compact). Equivalently, is proper if and only if, for any compact set , the set
is compact. For discrete subgroups, this definition is equivalent to requiring that the set @eq-proper-action-equiv (Private) is finite, as in the definition of Scott @scott1983 (Private) pg. 86.
Discrete subgroups of isometries
The following proposition resumes the basic properties of groups of isometries acting on a metric space , the tool for the proof will be Arzela-Ascoli theorem. Recall a family of continuous functions is equicontinuous if for all exists such that
independently of the value of and .
::: {#thm-arzela-ascoli} Let be a family of maps between metric spaces, then is relatively compact in the topology of compact convergence (i.e. the topology of uniform convergence on compact sets) if and only if is equicontinuous and is relatively compact in for any . :::
Note that families of isometries of the metric space are trivially equicontinuous,
::: {#prp-1 .prp} If is a discrete subgroup of isometries of the complete metric space with the Heine-Borel property (each closed bounded set in is compact), then:
- The action of is proper.
- For any , the orbit has no accumulation point in . :::
The source of the proof for the first part can be found here.
::: proof Suppose the existence of a compact set and an infinite sequence of distinct elements such that . Let and , then is contained in the closed ball , hence for any ,
Since has the Heine-Borel property, the inequality above implies is relatively compact for all and since is a group of isometries, it is also equicontinuous, therefore by the Arzela-Azcoli theorem, is relatively compact in the topology of uniform convergence on compact sets, hence we can suppose there is a continuous function, in fact an isometry, , such that uniformly on compact sets, hence , uniformly on compact sets, but since the topology of is discrete, for sufficiently large, a contradiction.
For the second part assume towards a contradiction the existence of a limit point for the orbit , hence there is an infinite sequence such that . If is the compact set , then for all in the sequence, a contradiction. :::
In particular, complete Riemannian manifolds have the Heine-Borel property and therefore discrete subgroups of isometries act properly.
Critical exponent of groups of isometries
Let be a discrete subgroup of isometries of the complete metric space with the Heine-Borel property and let be any pair of points, we can form the Poincare series of the group, defined as,
The critical exponent of the group is the number such that the series is convergent for . It can be shown that is independent of the pair of points chosen in , in fact, it is well known that
If is also endowed with a measure , we can define the volume entropy of as,
The following facts are well known for manifolds of negative curvature, however they are valid for more general metric spaces.
::: prp-deltag-deltax Let be a complete metric space with the Heine-Borel property equipped with a measure compatible with the metric, in the sense that for any measurable set and any isometry , we have . If is a discrete group of isometries, then
moreover, if is co-compact (the quotient space is compact), then . :::
The following proof can be found in @quint. (Private)
::: proof Since is discrete and has the Heine-Borel property, the action of is proper, hence no orbit has accumulation points, therefore there exists a real number such that for every\ , if then . Let be the number of elements of that fix , by the triangle inequality,
taking logarithms, Quint deduces . If is co-compact, there is a compact fundamental region such that . If is sufficiently large for , then , since each is an isometry and . Thus for any , the triangle inequality implies
where we have used that the measure is compatible with the metric. Taking logs, the last inequality implies . :::
The visual boundary in a metric space
Let be a complete metric space, a geodesic in is a continuous function such that
Given any two geodesics , we define the equivalence relation if and only if there is a constant , such that for all . We denote the set of equivalence classes as and call it the visual boundary of . Let , we call the completion of , if and is a geodesic in the equivalence class, we also denote as and call the end of . Let us introduce a topology on in the following manner: Let , , , and assume there is a geodesic such that and , we define the cone set
- Quint, J.-F. n.d. “An Overview of Patterson-Sullivan Theory.”
- Scott, Peter. 1983. “The Geometries of 3-Manifolds.” Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 15 (5): 401–87.